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Member Since 22 Feb 2010
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In Topic: [Guide] Obtaining, Preparing For, and Using mOBSCENE's / sLAUGHTER's...

23 February 2010 - 01:55 AM

There's also an options in the settings > extra settings that makes it auto update the encryption every time you boot it up.
For the forgetful people under us.

Secondly, a small update, I got proxies working (on my web browser and the program) and was very eager to make a new account, got 100K so far, but somehow my list wasn't completely finished, so far 1 review, removed that game seeing it's a strategy game and takes over 15 minutes to finish (I did it in 2... lol). Will run it again today for the sake of seeing if it gets frozen. I will also not touch my main account for quite some time.

EDIT: 24 hours later: 250K no freeze YET, will continue after another 12 hours.
I must note however that I stop the list every time I spot a review or an error to update the list, so far I haven't run the whole list more than once.

In Topic: [Guide] Obtaining, Preparing For, and Using mOBSCENE's / sLAUGHTER's...

22 February 2010 - 12:51 PM

Thank you for the welcome.
The problem I had with the ip adress is that I didn't know where to get one and the reason it wasn't added to the user list is because I forgot ot add a port, silly me.

Secondly, I'm gonna wait a day or two before I'm going to use the the list I made... seeing I went a bit postal with the first one it seems.
Need to remake an account too, but after that I'll be sure to be quite the addition. =D

In Topic: [Guide] Obtaining, Preparing For, and Using mOBSCENE's / sLAUGHTER's...

22 February 2010 - 10:10 AM

Hey all, not to make a long intro introduction, but I feel like a short story is necessary to show my interests and motivation.
I have an 6 year old account, (until now) unfrozen, a while ago, about 3 days, I went back to Neopets to look around again.
Back then I was rather interested in the stock market back in the day and when I went there again I almost screamed with joy.
Having bought over tons of shares around their original 15NP price I noticed that some went bankrupt and that over had over a thousand percent profit, giving me about 2 million profit total.
As I went to my bank a random event happened... yeah, I lost just about all my NP and after sending a mail and hearing it's 'just bad luck' I kind of looked around the internet in ways to hack this game.
Eventually, I found the score sender list and a few pages further I found the best program, this one.

Installation was easy, had no problems then I needed a list.
So first I looked around, found some outdated things, saved them none the less and read around that it's easy to get... frozen with those lists.
So I decided to make my own, currently having a list of almost all the existing games with scores that does not reach high score tables, does not have reviews, which uses from 1 to 6 minutes time to send scores (game dependant) and takes around 16 to 22 hours if you want the whole list send 3 times. I'm rather proud of this list, so I came here, wanting to post it.
I of course have tested this on a new account, some scores being reviewed (and accepted) which I immediately changed or removed, having made at least over 200K in 2 nights.

Being the good Samaritan as I am, I first decided to read the whole topic, finding out about chain freezing, about how I can avoid it (proxies) and what about is the regular norm of playing and winning those games. I just removed said new account, to be as sure as possible that I (and my 6 year old account) won't be chain-frozen. I'm still rather scared of this none the less.

So now I come here with two... well, actually 3 questions...
First: It may sound like a noob question, but how exactly do I use the proxies? When I just enter a random IP ('borrowed' from proxy sites) it does not add/edit the user account.
Second: Is anyone up for trustingly sending money through accounts to eventually get them to the main accounts? Pretty much 'washing' the NP.
Third: Is anyone interested in the list I made?

P.S My apologies for the long-ass post, I hope that I will be a contribution to this hackhappy forum none the less.