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Member Since 26 Feb 2010
Offline Jul 11 2011 06:41 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Advice for not getting caught

26 February 2010 - 04:36 PM

I've been restocking for 5 years or so manually. Some days I would restock 5-6 hours, other days only 1 hour. I know I've bought my share of MP's and I've kept going at it after I bought them. I don't use the boards ever... It goes straight to the trading post.

I think the AB is really great if you use it in moderation meaning you use it as much as you would personally manually restock. I know it's easy to get addicted to... because you have to do nothing! Personally I think neopets staff made it much easier to AB. Simply because the restocking times are much more random than they used to be. Forever, it used to be on every new minute (only had to refresh the shop once, duh!)... And all nice things used to stock on the bottom only (it was funny to see all 2500+ np items all loaded in 1 spot). Then they jumbled the items and made the restocks on some freaky seconds...

My normal restocking habits always came in the morning and evening. Usually 30 mins to 1 1/2 hours in the morning and usually 45 mins to 2 hours in the evening. Obviously it is suspicious and strange if you got that thing running 10-12 hours a day until you RS ban and it is refreshing at least twice every 10 seconds... that is pretty tough to do to maintain concentration...
I figure if you use this program for only 1-2 hours a day you won't have any issues even if you choose 1 store.

In Topic: Can you use AB/other programs while doing other stuff on NP?

26 February 2010 - 04:26 PM

I've restocked with my main + side account for over 5 years now...
I just send everything to my main to sell. It is an awesome way to avoid restock ban and cover 2 shops manually.
But you should always use your primary account for anything np related and all games etc...

In Topic: Hi, Quick question

26 February 2010 - 01:28 PM

Setting the haggle to 0 would have it haggle the price to 0

Try setting the haggle to 100%... then it should haggle the exact amount.

It says it is an incorrect haggle percentage :/