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Member Since 02 Mar 2010
Offline May 30 2011 12:34 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Official Unofficial Big Brother USA thread

14 July 2010 - 12:33 PM

Haha, I'm surprised someone else watches Big Brother US on here. My initial reaction was Enzo, but it doesn't look like it's him. I don't know why maybe because he's kind of sneaky. I'm currently thinking Britney though. If I were the Saboteur I'd try to fly under the radar for the next couple weeks.

In Topic: Webcomics

01 June 2010 - 09:16 AM

xkcd, Order of the Stick and Erfworld.

In Topic: Buying and Selling Items Profitably

30 May 2010 - 10:28 AM

Plushies are easy to sell. You just have to target the right people. Search up a similarly priced plushie on the item db and search for that item in galleries. If that person does not have the plushie you are selling in their gallery, neomail them. It should be sold in a few days.

I find clothes harder to sell. If it's under 150k, I sell it in my shop for 99999.

In Topic: Is there a way to?

28 May 2010 - 02:59 PM

There are a couple ways you could go about doing this.

1) Emailing neopets and ask for your birthday. There is no guarantee that neopets will send you your birthday, but it has happened before. Including information like your neofriends, the items that you had, what stocks you had, how much np was in the bank will help convince TNT that you are in fact the owner of the account.

2) Guessing the Birthday. Unfortunately, you are only allowed to guess 3 times a day, so you have to come back the next day if you guess incorrectly. Do you remember the year of your fake birthday? If you don't, neofriends of an account can view the age of account. Perhaps you neofriended your side or one of your old neofriends are still playing. Ask them for your age. Finally, try to guess the date that you inputted for you birthday. Try your actual birthday, or your parent's birthday. If nothing works, try every single day until you get one right. It only takes 365/3 or 122 days and only takes a couple minutes out of your day.

Hope you get into your account.

In Topic: League of Legends

15 May 2010 - 01:02 PM

I started playing for a while but, like DOTA, it was extremely addicting. I stopped because of school but I might start playing again. I mostly used Singed.