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Member Since 17 May 2010
Offline Apr 10 2012 07:58 PM

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sugestions + softwere sugestion / upgrade

14 August 2010 - 07:35 PM

Well there is like 2 thinks that just shot of the top of my head what is kinda annoying me lol

that neocodex doesnt have a suggestions area does it? ...

and two that there are so many usershop auto buyers out there but i have never seen one that saves it to storage ...
is this possible becouse i found with buying neggs at like 500np each is very profitable but i have to stay at my pc alot to make sure when it hits the 50 mark i login
and offload the neggs too my storage other wise they dont show in my inventory once i go over 50 ... the software and the np's say that i am spending on them but where the
hell are they ?

so does anyone have any ideas or has seen a piece of software that would come in usefull for this?

btw it needs to be close to free becouse i allready pay enough on neopets XP

so anyone up for help?

greetings fabz ;)