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Member Since 04 Jun 2010
Offline Jul 01 2010 01:21 AM

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Pound results thread

10 June 2010 - 03:19 AM

Saw codex didnt have a pound thread. thought i might start one.H
Heres what ive got -legitly- in the past half hour

Species: Uni
Colour: Glowing
Gender: Female
Age: 1,396 days
Level: 14
Health: 0 / 84
Mood: joyful
Hunger: very full
Strength: GREAT (21)
Defence: GREAT (24)
Move: GREAT (22)
Intelligence: above average

Species: Aisha
Colour: Snow
Gender: Female
Age: 257 days
Level: 1
Health: 9 / 9
Mood: delighted!
Hunger: fine
Strength: strong
Defence: heavy
Move: speedy
Intelligence: average
with poppit petpet

Horribly named _xxxxx__#xx_#_#_#
Species: Aisha
Colour: Biscuit
Gender: Female
Age: 177 days
Level: 1
Health: 8 / 8
Mood: delighted!
Hunger: full up
Strength: great
Defence: armoured
Move: fast
Intelligence: average

Any of them worth keeping?

Check out what i got from pound :)

05 June 2010 - 09:58 PM

VWN christmas kougra

- Battledome Stats -

Hit Points: 36 / 38
Strength: very strong
Defence: poor
Movement: average
Intelligence: average


NVWN blue zafara xxxxxxxxxx
Age:2,229 days Level:20 Health:21 / 6 Mood:delighted! Hunger:bloated Strength:GREAT (35) Defence:semi-demi-godly Move:GREAT (23) Intelligence:ULTIMATE GENIUS (201)

:D the kougra im painting royal and the zafara baby.

hola everyone

04 June 2010 - 12:48 AM

Hello neocodex my name is proogrammaen. I recently discovered your site while browsing the internet and decided i should join it. Im looking to become a programmer for your site and i hope i can acheive it. I will try to be active on the forums whenever i am online. :)