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Member Since 14 Jun 2010
Offline Jul 02 2010 10:29 AM

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In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

29 June 2010 - 09:55 AM

I'm not sure what the program is doing. It'll start up fine and everything but after it says it's downloading the main shop list from neocodex, a store will load and it will show the x/327 of a store, then right after do the "downloading main shop list from neocodex" again. It will never stay in the same shop and browse like it used to. Any suggestions?

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

16 June 2010 - 05:49 PM

It cant say that. Read it again.

Sorry, "PROGRAM check failed." That's what it says after I hit 'login' and after it says 'logging in, please wait'

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

16 June 2010 - 04:50 PM

NOW mine says, after I hit "login"..... "product check failed".......

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

15 June 2010 - 10:39 PM

have you tried running it in admin and in compatibility mode just incase. since i have tried this in a win 64 bit and 32bit and xp 32bit and it works

I've tried that too. I just don't know what the problem is.. maybe just this computer?

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

15 June 2010 - 11:04 AM

Download the latest version. It shouldn't do that anymore.

I have, a few different times :/. It works on my computer but not on my sisters computer. I've tried a few times on this computer and it doesn't work, whereas it took just once on the other computer.