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Member Since 14 Jul 2010
Offline Mar 12 2013 07:23 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Textbooks for this Semester

16 August 2010 - 09:08 PM

Engineering is like the worst for textbooks. They update editions and throw new information at us each year, effectively destroying the used book market ever 16 months. My books for this Fall came to around $350 or so, but that is because I am borrowing a Differential Equations book and a Physics book from friends for the semester. Borrowing saved me like 100 plus dollars.

The textbook market is the most crooked thing I have ever seen. No book should cost 200 dollars unless it is printed on gold-sheet paper with unicorn blood ink with a diamond cover.

The WORST is when a teacher makes a big deal about getting the textbook because you will "definitely need it for the class", then they never reference it after the first two weeks, and you wasted 150 bucks for a paperweight. It happens to me at least once a semester, and always pisses me off.

In Topic: Atomic bombing over Hiroshima and Nagasaki

06 August 2010 - 12:49 PM

Dropping those bombs was very much a necessity. For more than just saving lives. We had developed the most powerful weapon in the world, and wanted to show it off. There was discussion about not even nuking Japan, but inviting the Emperor to watch us drop one in the ocean and tell him if he doesn't quit we would drop them on Japan. We decided against that because of the possibility of the bomb not detonating and Japan getting History's greatest lulz moment.

In Topic: Customisation

03 August 2010 - 11:36 AM

I hate customization and refuse to participate.

I wholeheartedly agree. I remember when they first wanted me to "convert" my pets. I never did. I thought it made some of them look less nice. I remember being told "if you don't convert your pet, you will not be able to customize them," to which i replied silently to myself "then I guess I am never going to customize them!"

I have yet to cave on this belief, and don't plan to any time soon. Customization is for clowns, if you ask me.

In Topic: Question on uploading files

02 August 2010 - 08:57 PM

Don't be discouraged. We appreciate that you're trying to contribute ^_^

lol....I'm not discouraged, it was worth a shot to try to contribute. I enjoy making spreadsheets like that. Always fun! Unfortunately, it seems that my skills to contribute are very limited and all possibilities have all already been done by someone. Ahh well...such is life. It is a shame my knowledge of computer programming is nada, I would love to help out here. lol

In Topic: Question on uploading files

02 August 2010 - 08:47 PM

Sunnyneo already has all that.

But if you really want to upload it, send it to Google Docs and put the link here (make sure the conversation didn't break anything)/

No, it is fine. I just googled it and see what you are talking about. Our programs literally do the same thing, but mine is a spreadsheet rather than online, making their's superior. I should have known better and known it had already been done by someone somewhere. Thank you though.