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Member Since 14 Jul 2010
Offline Mar 12 2013 07:23 PM

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Question on uploading files

02 August 2010 - 08:37 PM

I was reading one of the boards, and it was a poll and discussion on shop sizes. I noticed a few people questioning how much people must have spent getting their shop to size X, and a few people wondering how much their shop could hold, etc. It made me say to myself "I bet it's a really simple mathematical formula...I bet I could make a spreadsheet for it." So I sat down and made a small little spreadsheet. It doesn't do too much, it has two input cells for current shop size and desired shop size and formula cells to calculate:

1.)The amount of items each given shop size would hold
2.)The total amount of NP you have spent on your shop so far
3.)How much more NP you need to spend to get it to desired size
4.)The cost of the following upgrade for both current and desired shop sizes

As I said, not the most complicated thing in the world, but hey, I was proud of it. I attempted to upload it to the topic, but discovered I don't have permission to upload files. That makes sense, as I wouldn't expect random users to have that ability because then they could easily upload malicious files or something. I was just wondering if there was any way I could send this excel spreadsheet to a mod or someone who CAN upload it.

Also, I understand this little project of mine might seem too simple or too unnecessary to warrant a spot on Neocodex, but I thought it was pretty cool and figured I would ask about it.

Thank you for your time, whoever happens to read this. lol

Hey Everyone

15 July 2010 - 11:04 AM

My name is Paul, and I just joined the forums yesterday. I have been playing neopets on and off since I was in the fourth grade. Now I am in college, and finally realized that the only way to make the big bucks in Neopets is to abuse the system a little. I did a little searching around on google and found this place. I lurked around a bit last night and today, and think it seems a pleasant enough place with friendly members, so I figured I would say hi. Thats about it for my big introduction...lol