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Member Since 11 Aug 2010
Offline Aug 16 2010 07:26 AM

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In Topic: Do you believe in god?

12 August 2010 - 06:17 AM

So, I guess you gave up on our "little discussion"?
Things not going the way you expected?

Hey I like your answers ^_^ I gotta go for now. we will continue this little argument soon. Till then take care.

As for the muslim population growth: Here is something for you to check out. LoL not to sweeney
The other guy.


In Topic: Do you believe in god?

12 August 2010 - 05:43 AM

Btw I just have to add that it's pretty poor form to claim that any religion is the fastest growing without mentioning which category you're using to measure that growth. It's also very poor form to think or claim that the growth rate of any religion is in any way connected to the 'truth' of that religion.

LOL your last sentence doesn't make sense bro. Try again. When people see a path is correct, they go toward that path. If more people see a path is correct, more people go toward that path. If people know they have taken the wrong path, they come back from that path and if they find the right path, they all gather toward that path.

Thus if many people are all gathering at his one path, because they believe its the right path, all these people are finding the truth. The growth rate that a religion is going through as everything to do with connecting to the truth. These people are reading the holy Quran, and figuring (the way atheists use science) out the truth. To all these people this path is the truth, and it is not only the truth for many, but nations and countries. Like I said, more people are going to steer toward the beneficial road (that they figure out using common sense). You haven't read the holy Quran yet, so you wouldn't know.

Religion is religion, what categories did I miss? Out of Every Religion in the world , Islam is the fastest growing. As a Single religion, Islam is the biggest religion. And I guess the category your talking about is Monotheism. Islam is Monotheist.


regarding this statement "If someone opens the door for me or does me a favour, I am visibly witnessing them do this and am thus grateful without hesitation."

There are many things in life you dont visibly see, but you still believe in or feel.

[ Your own brain ]
[ The wind ]
[ The planet Earth]
Many of these things you have not seen in its entire form visibly. It's always some xray or theory explaining it.

You know your brain functions and you can do many things. But you still haven't visibly seen your own brain.

Same with our creator, you know everything around is created by the creator, but you still haven't visibly seen the creator.

There is one line that a human must draw, and that is the line when a human starts to think what god would do. Part of the reason why atheist people are blind or will never believe or seek knowledge is because they try to portray God with human feelings or emotions or human reasoning. If i were god, i wouldn't do this. Or if i were god, i would do this. Its that same belief that will cloud your judgement. You seem to be more arrogant then most, never being grateful for what you receive and thinking you lead your own life and that everything is a coincidence.

In Topic: Do you believe in god?

12 August 2010 - 05:30 AM

If every atheist read/studied every religious text ever written they'd have no time to eat, sleep or debate

Say that to the 7-10 year olds that are memorizing in the entire Holy Quran in Arabic. Say that to the Muslims that read the entire Holy Quran in one sitting. And anything you want is possible. You could go to every culture and ask and learn more about their beliefs. That is better then, quoting some random website in an attempt to find an error in the belief of Islam. There are no contradictions , so you attack the meaning. Hahhaha sorry to burst your bubble, but the meaning of things in the arabic (poetic) language are precise.

As for If i have read those books. I have read the bible, and am looking into the Torah. In Islam, it is essential to believe in the books of the past (Bible, Torah, Psalms,...etc). So I'm guessing you haven't read any of them?

In Topic: Do you believe in god?

12 August 2010 - 05:15 AM

Please expand on downfall.

The Downfall i am talking about is the ability to seek the truth.

The 3 weaknesses Impact their ability to see things clearly. The fact that they are anxious to reply to a question, that they may not have the answer to. A simple example is how you atheists are discussing religion, and some of the people on this forum were quoting the holy quran (from websites) without knowledge of Islam and the Holy Quran. We then come to 2 conclusions.

1) Atheists want to destroy the foundation of Islam by questioning everything and taking their statements head on.
2) Atheists haven't read the Holy Quran. Therefore the by product is a person who wants to take down Islam and show any (contradictions), but hasn't take then time to read the holy quran to gain the knowledge to use against muslims. I would respect someone that read the holy quran and attempted to use the full knowledge more, then someone who goes to google.com and types in Islam Contradictions . LOL

No atheist here as read the holy quran fully. Yet you are so Quick to question our statements on the scientific proofs and the logic behind Islam and the creator. but on the other hand....Muslims know the beliefs of Atheists. Since Their beliefs revolve around Science. Something we learn in school. but Atheists dont' learn Islam in school or anywhere. They just gain bits of knowledge from the media and are usually introduced to big globs of information through discussions such as this.

Jake, I think your a good person... however you have your affairs out of order. For instance let me give you an example of what im talking about.

Lets Use Sweeneys Assumption LOL . In school you are given exams and you have a certain time to finish the exam. and usually the time is usually critical.
Compare the time you have for a test. to the time you have to live. The common thing about both, is that they both end, and you realize with both of them, that you still have more time until the time ends. That alone should be enough to make you think. Your heart is the timer and every breath you take, it gets closer to time ending.

Also talking about your last statement. If Islam was correct, then everyone would follow it. In the perfect world that would be true. However Common sense isn't very common. Even though we figure everyone has common sense, there are alot of people that don't have common sense. But to give you a better answer. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world,and is already proven to be the biggest Single religion. If so many people are becoming muslim, then it must be making you really curious to have a look at it.

Like i said you seem like a down to earth person, but your not in this world to think about how many religions there are, and say its a waste of time. You are here to find out your purpose. Because we die for a reason. Not because its natural, but because it makes you think. Our generation will die, and a new generation will come , and they will have a time limit. Then the next generation , then the next generation. It's almost like a system of exams to graduate. Don't give up yet bro, do some think and search. I can see why you left christianiaty, but its not fair that because you left one book, you think all books are the same. I just say you atheists are all the same, to piss you guys off, but i don't have that view. I think some of you want something to look forward to. You want proof of an after life. because no one wants to die. Posted Image

In Topic: Do you believe in god?

12 August 2010 - 05:15 AM

Please expand on downfall.

The Downfall i am talking about is the ability to seek the truth.

The 3 weaknesses Impact their ability to see things clearly. The fact that they are anxious to reply to a question, that they may not have the answer to. A simple example is how you atheists are discussing religion, and some of the people on this forum were quoting the holy quran (from websites) without knowledge of Islam and the Holy Quran. We then come to 2 conclusions.

1) Atheists want to destroy the foundation of Islam by questioning everything and taking their statements head on.
2) Atheists haven't read the Holy Quran. Therefore the by product is a person who wants to take down Islam and show any (contradictions), but hasn't take then time to read the holy quran to gain the knowledge to use against muslims. I would respect someone that read the holy quran and attempted to use the full knowledge more, then someone who goes to google.com and types in Islam Contradictions . LOL

No atheist here as read the holy quran fully. Yet you are so Quick to question our statements on the scientific proofs and the logic behind Islam and the creator. but on the other hand....Muslims know the beliefs of Atheists. Since Their beliefs revolve around Science. Something we learn in school. but Atheists dont' learn Islam in school or anywhere. They just gain bits of knowledge from the media and are usually introduced to big globs of information through discussions such as this.

Jake, I think your a good person... however you have your affairs out of order. For instance let me give you an example of what im talking about.

Lets Use Sweeneys Assumption LOL . In school you are given exams and you have a certain time to finish the exam. and usually the time is usually critical.
Compare the time you have for a test. to the time you have to live. The common thing about both, is that they both end, and you realize with both of them, that you still have more time until the time ends. That alone should be enough to make you think. Your heart is the timer and every breath you take, it gets closer to time ending.

Also talking about your last statement. If Islam was correct, then everyone would follow it. In the perfect world that would be true. However Common sense isn't very common. Even though we figure everyone has common sense, there are alot of people that don't have common sense. But to give you a better answer. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, it is about to beat Judaism, and is already proven to be the biggest Single religion. If so many people are becoming muslim, then it must be making you really curious to have a look at it.

Like i said you seem like a down to earth person, but your not in this world to think about how many religions there are, and say its a waste of time. You are here to find out your purpose. Because we die for a reason. Not because its natural, but because it makes you think. Our generation will die, and a new generation will come , and they will have a time limit. Then the next generation , then the next generation. It's almost like a system of exams to graduate. Don't give up yet bro, do some think and search. I can see why you left christianiaty, but its not fair that because you left one book, you think all books are the same. I just say you atheists are all the same, to piss you guys off, but i don't have that view. I think some of you want something to look forward to. You want proof of an after life. because no one wants to die. Posted Image