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Member Since 04 Sep 2010
Offline Nov 23 2010 08:31 PM

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In Topic: Oldie but a Newbie once again.

08 September 2010 - 06:35 PM

Hey everyone. I've been playing Neopets since 2000 and as I went through adolescence I forgot about Neopets. :p
I'm back now, about 10 years later. I've been addicted to Neopets... my old accounts got hacked and iced. I'm back as a new player though, been back on-and-off for about 6 months. Things have changed.

So hi! I'm looking forward to posting here and getting to know all of you.

Me too!! I just graduated from university and moved back to my home city, My younger sister recently started playing, so she and I keep in touch with Neomail now. I think I started back in 2001, but I'm back and better than ever!