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Member Since 04 Nov 2010
Offline Jan 29 2012 04:03 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Howdy!

06 November 2010 - 12:43 PM

Hey, welcome!

I can't offer any info on subscribing. But here is a great guide for the ABer here. It really helped me when I started!

Very helpful dude. Thanks much!

In Topic: Best Auto Bought Item

06 November 2010 - 09:02 AM

When I first used Abrosia, I was immensely impressed when it brought in a Square Meat and a Evil Fuzzles Stamp within minutes of starting the program. I didn't know such awesome things exists such as AB that helped me reach one million neopoints within a few days. So far, the best thing I got was a Fire Kiko Morphing Potion. :D

Im in the same boat lol, the first two things i got right off the bat when i started using Abrosia was two UB's . The man or woman who thunk of such an idea deserves a trophy.. or something of said nature. But i digress , my best buy so far was a Mutant Evil Fuzzle .. Thanks Abrosia :D

In Topic: Just Need A Little Help

05 November 2010 - 09:47 PM

The base standard. If you set it to 5k, Abrosia will only go after items whose profit is 5k or more.

Abrosia also prioritizes the highest profit items during a restock. So if something restocks worth 7k profit, and something else worth 300k profit, it will go after the 300k item first.

Ahhhh Perfect, Thank you. Thats a sweet feature. Prioritize FTW lol .. I feel stupid for asking the first part of that question though lol.. My bad, did look at it hard enough. but still very useful answer.. Thanks Mate!

In Topic: Just Need A Little Help

05 November 2010 - 09:22 PM

Thanks Everyone Much Appreciated. I hope i get te hang of it quick, and dont screw myself lol.. But looking at that now it makes a lot more sense, so thank you.

There are a lot of questions covered in the 100+ pages of Abrosia's support topic. There's a link to that from Abrosia's download page.

If you're new to Abrosia I would recommend leaving the settings at their default values until you begin to get an idea of how fast your buys will be, what shops are low/high-risk, low-profit/high-profit, etc. These default settings are quite safe and do an excellent job of making the AB'er look as if it was human. For future reference though, these are what the settings mean:

  • General Wait Delay: Refresh ranges. (If you set this to 5-11 and then the program will refresh every 5-11 seconds)
  • MS Pre-Haggle: Amount of time the program waits/takes to put in a haggle price to the shopkeeper.
  • OCR Page Delay: Amount of time the program takes to 'find' the Neopet hidden in the picture. (The one displayed below the haggle box while purchasing in the shops)
As for the haggle options, just leave those alone. They won't help you at all.
As for the 'Item Management' settings, I've always had these all disabled so I can't help you much in that area.

Just let me know if you have any more questions.

EDIT: The 'super/system' thread linked to above me is fucking amazing. I recommend giving that a start until you have a good amount of NP. It works quite well.

Yea that was laid out really well , very informative.. one more question i guess.. when i set the profit gauge, is that limiting me to just that much or is it setting the base standard?

since you dont have 500 post
you cant change the setting below the dafault level anyway
the default setting are pretty safe

I am and advanced member so it lets me change anything.