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Member Since 04 Nov 2010
Offline Jan 29 2012 04:03 AM

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Just Need A Little Help

05 November 2010 - 09:06 PM

Sorry guys and gals, Im new here and semi new to the ABuying world. I have made a few searches and sadly come up with nothing. Im kinda scared to run the Abuyer without fully understanding some of the settings, or without getting a little advice as to what i should be running settings at in order to set myself up to be successful. Any help would be much appreciated. And again, im sorry if this is in the wrong spot.



05 November 2010 - 08:21 PM

Hey Guys,

So iv just started using this site today and i have tried out a few of the downloads and i must say its awesome so far. Ever since the other forums i used to go to got shut down i have been looking on and off for a cool forum to join and i think i found it. only thing is i wish i could remember the password and birthday to my main account lol.. anyway, just a quick question if someone could help me that would be great. I am about to subscribe so i may get more options, my question is, if i use paypal and my visa, will my subscription auto renew? or will i have to do it myself each month? Thanks in advance.


p.s. Look forward to getting to know a lot of you.

P.S.S. - If someone could perhaps tell me What they are running their settings at for the ABer that would be greatly appreciated as well. Im a Re-born again Virgin to the ABuying world and dont want to mess this up right away lol .. Thanks a lot.