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Member Since 06 Dec 2010
Offline Oct 31 2017 08:13 PM

Topics I've Started

So I got Frozen...

11 January 2013 - 04:38 PM

Title says it all, buy times around 1400 MS, did Stamp for about 2 weeks, and then started trying Magic, was in Magic for 2-3 days and got frozen today. RSed about 5 hours a day nearly every day. Kinda disappointed, but luckily I have a spare account still, gonna switch my buy times to a little slower and stay outta Magic and see what happens. Any tips for me?

I decided to stop lurking.

20 June 2012 - 01:57 PM

As the title suggests I have been lurking for a couple days and finally got around to actually writing an introduction for myself.

My name is Saxon, i'm currently 17 and in high school, working to graduate and then go off to college.

I am mostly a PC gamer, my current game list is League of Legends, Neopets, and Puzzle Pirates.

I work as a junior mechanic at my Dad's car shop where he is head mechanic, but mostly I just clean ^_^ .

If anyone has an questions feel free to ask! :lol: