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Member Since 11 Dec 2010
Offline Jun 13 2011 02:47 PM

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In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

18 December 2010 - 09:46 PM

As a recent user who just discovered the ABer software you fine folks have made available, I can definitely confirm that the imported lists are not based on profit as SL64 said. I've had mine go for many a 10k item over a 100k item (despite a profit ordered list), but in the end I'm not about to complain, as I'm making way more NP daily than ever before. A change to list priority sure would be nice though for us non-advanced users :)

The question I actually want to ask is regarding the igloo shop. I personally don't use the feature as I prefer to spread my ABing over a few 30-45min stints during the day, so I have yet to be RS banned. However, I do have an older account (>3 years) and thus have access to the almost abandoned attic. As a shop that only restocks Rarity 80+ items from any main shop, uses a no-haggle system, and only restocks at 53 seconds past the minute, I suspect it would be very very easy to create a program to refresh once a minute and perform a one click purchase on an item based on profitability from a giant compiled list (aka your DB).

Obviously if such a program already exists, ignore this as the ramblings of a novice user who hasn't explored the whole site yet, but if not, it could provide a nice separate program or abrosia add-on for users with older neopet accounts to make a bit of spare cash.


In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

13 December 2010 - 04:19 PM

I will try both, thank you.

Well, as it turned out, my problem was on the proxy end, so I followed your first set of advice, decided to be a man and logged on my main instead. Account age and internet speed is no longer an issue and the ABer bought something within 10 seconds (was still set to 1000 profit).

Thank you for your responses, and props to the programmers for providing such a fabulous program.

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

13 December 2010 - 03:23 PM

I certainly understand that there isn't much low rarity profitable stuff out there, but the fact that I simultaneously restocked on another account (different IP) at the pharmacy, while it was also there and grabbed <R79 items legitly means that the AB didn't even see them. Also, if it makes a difference, after 1 or 2 hours of ABing the program is still in the same shop and the refresh counter hasn't changed, reading 0/300, which I assume means that it hasn't refreshed once. Any ideas? I've been reading through this massive thread and seeing a couple similar situations that just sorta fixed themselves

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

13 December 2010 - 02:44 PM

I have a quick query regarding the AB. I installed it, along with the additional required files, fired it up, put in codex info, NP info, adjusted a few settings (just shop stuff and the scheduler as I'm not an advance user), and pressed 'start'.

Now it seems to be working just fine as no errors come up and my log reads: "2010-12-13 17:02:19 - Abrosia MSAB Started."
It also tells me I'm in the Toy Shop, says (0/300). Yay, I'm mildly competent..

The problem as I see it, is that it doesn't buy anything. I have run it for about 8-10 hours total with the default settings (obviously not all at once, in 1-2 hour intervals) and had absolutely no luck. Normally, had I obtained the AB from a torrent or random source, I'd assume the fault lay with it, but the excess of positive feedback on these forums has convinced me that the problem is obviously something I'm doing.

In terms of the set up, i created a new side account to AB on with a new email address and only access it on firefox through a proxy server (I use an unproxied chrome browser when on my main account). I've checked the proxy and it is working, and is only moderately slower than my usual connection (probably a 1-2s page load).
I'm by no means a computer expert, as I used the tips on these forums to set up the proxy, but I'd like to resolve the issue and get to buying :)

The account I'm autobuying on is new, and will have the rarity maximum of 79 for a few more days, it also isn't tremendously funded, having only about 20k so far. Despite this, I figured it should have bought something by now as I have set profit margins between 1000 and 3000np, reducing it each time I start the program in hopes of success. I did also try manually loading a shop list to see if that would work (The herbal scrambled eggs, magic cookies, and medicinal soap at the pharmacy all have rarities below 79 and cost a couple thousand - aka I could see and afford them). The autobuyer started successfully, told me I was in the pharmacy, but did nothing for the 2 hours it was there. Seeing as those items restock in quantities of 20+ it's obviously odd that it grabbed nothing. In fact, the one time I logged on my main on the other browser and did legit restocking in the same store, grabbing a couple magic cookies, and some eggs during the same time frame (perhaps I need to try a new, faster proxy?).

Long story short, if anyone has any tips on things I can check or needs additional info to give assistance, let me know and I'll try to provide it.

Any help would be appreciated :)
Thanks alot,
