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Member Since 28 Jan 2011
Offline Jun 10 2011 09:22 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

04 March 2011 - 01:16 AM

Maaan, haha. I got zapped into Robot recently, and now I got Maraquan. Same pet.

In Topic: Interesting Events - the good, the bad and the ugly

11 February 2011 - 12:55 PM

Bought Extra Thick Goggles: 5454 NP in 3922ms (Est. Profit: 88542 NP)
Random Event: The Grundo Leader attacks!!! He steals Extra Thick Goggles


In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

10 February 2011 - 12:43 AM

My pet just got zapped Color Fire!

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

08 February 2011 - 02:26 PM

My pet just got zapped Species Uni!

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

07 February 2011 - 03:43 AM

My pet just got zapped Color Desert!