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Member Since 04 Feb 2011
Offline Feb 23 2011 03:41 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

22 February 2011 - 09:09 PM

My shoyru dressed as a gladiator suddenly turned into a girl! wooohoo!

In Topic: How long did it take you to start making a profit from an autobuyer?

07 February 2011 - 08:59 PM

Hey guys, im also noob to AB so I wanted to know if its REaLLy necessary to use proxies, cause i have a kinda slow connection, and with the proxy its even slower... without the proxy i manage to buy about half the stuff the AB huggles, with the proxy its about 1/8, just for books or food...


EDIT: its been 40min since the AB is running and it didnt even bothered tryin (w/ proxy)

In Topic: The Lab Ray Topic

06 February 2011 - 10:08 AM

-2 level
-3 movement
+3 strength
+3 strength
...I start to think this was a waste of np