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Member Since 23 Feb 2011
Offline May 08 2011 08:45 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Favorite drink (alcoholic or not0

10 March 2011 - 09:39 PM

In a world, RULED by two opposing clans: the tribe of the pepsi, and the coke clan; one man dares to rise above the rest and PROCLAIM:

RC Cola (Royal crown)
^^ shits the bomb

on the alcoholic side of things:
White Russian
-5 parts vodka (Stoli is great)
-2 parts coffee liquer (Kalua cant be beat for taste)
-3 parts fresh cream (Bailey's is better)
*my mates add chocolate syrup and plenty of stoli

In Topic: New and Improved Guide To Autobuying! Abrosia Style!

08 March 2011 - 05:18 PM

Awesome guide, thanks! I've been using Abrosia for a while now; I noticed it seems to leave a lot of items in my shop unpriced. I have it set to ignore UBs, to no avail. I'm left with a lot of items i have to hand-price.