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Member Since 25 Feb 2011
Offline Feb 05 2016 05:40 PM

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In Topic: suicide run on abrosia

23 March 2012 - 11:43 AM

I didnt begin to transfer the gain items yet, i have around 8 shells on magic buying at 300ish ms over 24 hours for 1.5 days. Got a good amount of 2-8 million morphing potions and sold a few for 40% off.

I was going to start transfer when each of the shells hit 8 mil profits and transfer ets G bombs. However, they banned me soon.

It wasnt a huge lost, mostly my time. lost about 1 million np from my swiss bank account ( to initally start powering my 2 shells, and i used the profits from 2 shells to buy 6 more shells), maybe around 40million in mps and other attic shits.

In Topic: suicide run on abrosia

23 March 2012 - 11:26 AM

update : got chain banned, luckily my swiss bank account is still there

In Topic: suicide run on abrosia

22 March 2012 - 02:19 PM

another question about abrosia in general. How do the Ab lists work?

Does it purchase items from top to bottom? is it faster than than just stating the profits?

say i have an ab list of magic with profits set to 1.5mil to highest with around 40 items in the list, how is this any different from just setting the minimum profits to 1.5mil?

In Topic: suicide run on abrosia

22 March 2012 - 11:44 AM

ive transferred with this method before, all 7 of my shells got banned but not my swiss bank account, which is sitting on a handful of neopoints =D

do you people think they actually read your neomails and decide not to ban you if they find your autobuying activities to be illegit?

with the redonkulously large player base and cheaters, i dont think they would be that thorough for each individual hacker. it is simply unpractical.

is there any evidence that even suggest having trophies and neofriends make an account less likely to become banned? or is it just a self assurance type of thing?

In Topic: suicide run on abrosia

22 March 2012 - 10:32 AM

the thing with big items is there easy to trace, you would have to spend time breaking them down to move across safely (if thats even possible)

probably going to put them on my shop for 1 np and have the other account on proxy to buy it