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Member Since 23 Mar 2011
Offline Mar 23 2012 06:22 PM

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In Topic: Canadian Politics

11 May 2011 - 09:50 PM

well elections are often pretty much same time of year for many countries, especially G20.

Still I really hope things work out for us. Harper can basically do anything he wants with his newly found majority. I was wondering though; does he have anyone to answer to? As in, if he decides he wants to spend billions for I dunno, something completely ridiculous instead of what he promised, is there anything stopping him?

In Topic: quantity of neopoints in neopia

11 May 2011 - 09:44 PM

I think that the majority of neopets users don't spend nearly as much as what they make. That would explain why there is so much. I like the idea of Dr Sloth having his monthly auction. Stamps going at 100s of millions of NPs is a nice way to sink them. But still, there are a lot of flaws in the system,I guess. Also, I wonder how many users are legit. I have way too many neofriends lol and most of them are legit but then, that might just be a coincidence.

In Topic: Lenny Conundrum/Mystery Pic Forum Topic?

11 May 2011 - 08:28 PM

I like the idea of having a thread for non advanced members to be able to discuss the MP and LC, if the restrictions are to be definite. I totally agree with it being restricted. It feels like it would make the purchasing of advanced member status totally worth it. Also, there were often people who leaked the answers and that definitely really sucked.

In Topic: Looks like the Conservatives win a minority

10 May 2011 - 08:53 PM

honestly, I don't understand politics here anymore. Everybody complains about Harper since he was elected the first time. Then, he somehow manages to get MAJORITY?? WTF is wrong with us Canadians?

In Topic: Lenny Conundrum/Mystery Pic Forum Topic?

10 May 2011 - 08:24 PM

So, to sum up, if I want to see that forum and don't want to pay for an advanced memebership, I can post at least 500 messages and have an account that's at least a month old?