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Member Since 23 Mar 2011
Offline Mar 23 2012 06:22 PM

Topics I've Started

Canadian Politics

10 May 2011 - 08:59 PM

I've heard many things since the (to me) disastrous outcome of the recent elections in Canada.

A) If all the younger adults (25 and under) who didn't vote had voted for the same party, that party would have gotten majority
B) Harper is Canada's Bush, yet we still voted for him...
C) It seems our country is united since we have a majority gov. now, but the fact is that we are not.
D) There is only one positive thing coming out of all this: at least we won't have to vote for another 4 years ( really? We're going to be STUCK with this idiot as a leader for the next 4 years)

more to come


12 April 2011 - 10:36 AM

I need a healing potion II and a fire wockey keyring please!

Habitarium BUG!

11 April 2011 - 09:17 PM

Alright so here's the issue, when you try to go to your habitarium, it loads up the page (scenery and buildings) but nothing else! It happened to me 3 days ago and I haven't been able to get in since then. I've seen very rare discussions about this yet in every one of them ppl say it's a major bug etc etc.

First, Introducing myself :)

30 March 2011 - 07:00 PM


My name is Catherine, and I'm not really new to this forum, but I haven't really done anything on here so far either :p I currently live in Quebec but plan on Moving to Mississauga soon! Can't wait! I absolutely LOVE neopets! I've been a user for the past 9 and a half years :) Nearly 2 years ago I made a new account and made it my main because I couldn't get access to my old one (which I hadn't used in a while). So now, I'm trying to get back up to the point where I used to be. Stamp collection, reading books to my pets, food club and avatar collection! I'm sure to have a bunch of questions to ask with time because I'm so curious :p For example, I noticed that in certain forums I can't start a new topic... anyone know why?