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Member Since 29 Mar 2011
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In Topic: The Official Khaleesi Thread

24 August 2012 - 06:48 PM

I've only read the books (I should get round to watching the TV series sometime), and I actually find Daenerys pretty annoying. I can feel myself grimace whenever one of her chapters pop up. I get the urge to skim read them but I don't want to miss anything potentially important.

I'm guessing she's better in the TV series.

In Topic: What is your neo-goal?

18 August 2012 - 08:50 PM

Like... 1 mil a year? Because 1 mil a day... @_@

I was browsing around people's profiles randomly and someone did the calculations for how much you'd need to get it as well as their progress lol. It was some ridiculous number with 47 at the beginning. I figure I might as well have at least one out-of-reach goal. Will probably get sidetracked and forget about it though.

In Topic: What is your neo-goal?

18 August 2012 - 08:33 PM

I just started up a new account, so right now it's to make 150k so I can set up shop.

In the long term I think maybe to have enough np in the bank to get 1mil from interest. Maybe try for trophies and avvies and stuff as well.