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Member Since 05 Apr 2011
Offline Apr 14 2011 09:06 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [Neopets Programs] Kad Feeder

11 April 2011 - 06:06 PM

You may want to check if ALL the kads are fed. Apparently the programme doesn't work if all the kads are fed. Well, at least for me it'll turn out something like this..

[10:04:17 PM] Stopped
[10:04:17 PM] Total games played: 0
[10:04:17 PM] Total NP made: 0
[10:04:17 PM] No Kad items. Possibly logged out
[10:04:16 PM] Feeding Started...

you should see that there'll be status such as
"status: waiting xxxs"
or "Calling a Refresh"

Wait, but it's SUPPOSED to do the "status: waiting xxxs" and "calling a refresh" right? I ran the program all last night and literally all it did (after one Feeding Started...) was repeat "Calling a refresh" over and over again. Is that normal or is it not doing something?

In Topic: [Neopets Programs] Kad Feeder

10 April 2011 - 06:33 PM

Oh, I seemed to have fixed mine. If you have premium (like me) make sure you're using the regular neopets interface. The premium one will give you the error I guess.

...I don't know how you figured that out but you are a genius. It's finally working! Thank you!

In Topic: [Neopets Programs] Kad Feeder

10 April 2011 - 05:44 PM

Network related error, just run it again.

Still didn't work, and like the above I restarted my computer, etc.

In Topic: [Neopets Programs] Kad Feeder

10 April 2011 - 05:27 PM

Okay so I tried downloading the program manager and playing kad feeder that way, and I finally got an error message that says:

Exception in thread Thread-56:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "threading.pyo", line 486, in __bootstrap_inner
File "Programs/1002/kad.py.nc", line 412, in run
File "HTMLParser.pyo", line 108, in feed
File "HTMLParser.pyo", line 148, in goahead
File "HTMLParser.pyo", line 226, in parse_starttag
File "HTMLParser.pyo", line 301, in check_for_whole_start_tag
File "HTMLParser.pyo", line 115, in error
HTMLParseError: malformed start tag, at line 740, column 61

What does this mean? Thanks!

In Topic: [Neopets Programs] Kad Feeder

09 April 2011 - 07:49 AM

How long are you waiting?

What does the Program Status say?

The longest I waited was an hour and a half. It literally just says "Gathering your items" at the bottom but nothing in the main dialogue box. And even when I click stop feeding kads it says "Status: Stopping" on the bottom but stays like that, doesn't ever confirm it has stopped. So strange. I've been able to run the auto trainer just fine, though.