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Member Since 21 Apr 2011
Offline May 17 2011 12:00 AM

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In Topic: Lenny Conundrum/Mystery Pic Forum Topic?

10 May 2011 - 07:41 AM

Well I don't get why posting on the forum will get you the answers.

You people make a good website and then you want money or pointless drivel to share the fun :crybaby:

Where are the good ol' days when people did something nice just to be nice :rolleyes:

I definitely agree that whats to stop people who pay money to be an advanced member from leaking???

Anyways, my point was - why wasn't it in the Neocodex Announcements topic? You people go on about your members communicating in your precious forums but then you just go and switch the rules on some power tripping trippity trip. Neopets staff are bad enough with their control freakisms! We don't need the fans going wacko too!

WHERE'S THE LOVE???? :crybaby:

LOVE = MONEY & INFORMATION ....apparently. :whistling:

In Topic: Lenny Conundrum/Mystery Pic Forum Topic?

08 May 2011 - 04:55 AM

Well that sucks! People just had to ruin it for all of us. Those 2 are near impossible for me to figure out.:x3: :sorry:

Management - Can I please have viewing back? I promise I'm not a leakster ;)

In Topic: Lenny Conundrum/Mystery Pic Forum Topic?

08 May 2011 - 04:32 AM

It was there the other day and now its gone :crybaby:

Has Neocodex management decided it's only for subscription members now???