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Member Since 04 May 2011
Offline May 09 2011 06:50 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Why did you start cheating on Neopets?

05 May 2011 - 07:05 AM

I cheat mostly because I can :)
Also, when I played a good couple of many years ago TNT froze me for absolutely no reason and it pissed me off. So, I guess that's a big reason now too. I figure if I follow the rules, I get frozen, if I cheat, well I haven't gotten iced yet.

In Topic: Good Quests?

05 May 2011 - 06:57 AM

Not really worth while, but I really like doing Jhudora's and Illusen's quests for the simple fact that there are levels x)

In Topic: Do you prefer the olden times neopets, or now?

05 May 2011 - 06:55 AM

I definitely miss the old neopets.
Although there is more to do now, the simplicity of the old neopets made the game more fun and less competitive.

In Topic: Super/System

04 May 2011 - 11:56 AM

This is awesome, to see actual statistics and all that. Kudos to you!