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Member Since 09 May 2011
Offline Jun 05 2011 03:52 PM

Topics I've Started

Wow Are You Serious?

10 May 2011 - 05:57 PM

So I was using Abrosia for a while for the Igloo shop,
and I finally got a Black Chia Pop! Then this happened

2011-05-10 21:44:12 - Abrosia MSAB Started.
2011-05-10 21:52:20 - Bought Blackcherry Chia Pop: 265 NP (Est. Profit: 8486 NP)
2011-05-10 21:52:38 - Missed Herbal Scrambled Eggs: Refreshed too quickly, or trying to buy in same restock.
2011-05-10 21:52:57 - Missed Billy Blue Hat: Refreshed too quickly, or trying to buy in same restock.
2011-05-10 21:55:10 - Random Event: Meuka slimes up and eats your 'Blackcherry Chia Pop', but the good news is that he left you a lovely lump of Snot!

...Not cool considering this was the first item in days

Edit: Got a Snot Burger, fed it to my pet in anger