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Member Since 14 Jun 2011
Offline Aug 28 2011 06:52 AM

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In Topic: Two Items Poofed Today..?

21 June 2011 - 08:30 PM

Yeah they're stealing your info and everyone else's here, we just get paid not to say so.

Sorry, I'll do my homework and find out how easy it is to get your program approved next time. I'll also not say anything about items disappearing because it's totally norm, right?
If you're gonna be a smartass, at least try to be funny.

Upgrade to NeoCodex Gold today to avoid the dreaded program tax.

^ take notes. A funny smartass answer

In Topic: Two Items Poofed Today..?

21 June 2011 - 12:15 PM

Yup, thanks for help, going through the rounds now of cleaning everything up. Didn't mean to make it seem like I'm laying blame, just an extreme coincidence in a small window of time.
Disabled my other neocodex programs besides abrosia and autpricer since thats all that really matters anyways.

Is there a default save log with abrosia where I can check for random events? I used default settings so I didn't have the item tracker thing enabled, but I'm not sure if theres some other log of some sort.

In Topic: Two Items Poofed Today..?

21 June 2011 - 11:55 AM

Im sure if codex programs are stealing information, you'd be missing more than two 99k items. Check the tracker and see if your item is logged in there, Abrosia would occasionally withdraw your shop till and clear your sale history.

I agree it's odd I wouldn't be completely cleaned out, but I have no items of any value over 50k besides those. I've exited Abrosia since, is there a way to get to the logs now?
It definitely didn't clear my shop history, I have a pretty active shop and I was checking it regularly, also I know how much NP I got, 99k is more than I've got :p I woulda noticed def

Does it ever maybe take a long time to process buys? Idk.

Im sure if codex programs are stealing information, you'd be missing more than two 99k items. Check the tracker and see if your item is logged in there, Abrosia would occasionally withdraw your shop till and clear your sale history.

Late post :/ If you're certain your account has been compromised then just change your password...

I'm definitely going to do this, but if it was something like a keylogger then I'd be screwed every which way x_x

Just seeing if anyone had any plausible explanations over the situation.

I searched for the exact item in my SDB, and shop, btw. Pretty unlikely it's been misplaced, methinks.

In Topic: Two Items Poofed Today..?

21 June 2011 - 11:51 AM

If one of the programs was stealing account info, wouldn't a scan determine that there was something off with the program? And why are you the only person having this problem? Maybe the item's in your shop and you accidentally changed the price to 0, or someone else has gotten onto your account through a CGer. (Though that's unlikely as well since I'm sure more than that would be gone.) If you're worried about it, pin your shit, or don't use the programs. Change your password. I'll be more than happy to have one less competitor using Abrosia.

Better I don't mention my items disappearing, right? I'm not trying to lay blame, just an extreme coincidence within an hour timeframe.

I checked SDB, shop till, every item in shop, inventory, every account and so on and so forth

There was nothing in my sales history. The ONLY logical explanation I can think of is I accidently put 2 less 9s when pricing it, so it wouldn't show in shop history. Though I'm nearly 100% positive I set it to 99999. & the pant devil stealing the other 99k item though it didn't mention it in the status or anything.

It does not clear my history as I had other things showing up as well.

Time to do my password changing rounds I s'pose :3

Also: I was logged out last night sort of how I am when ABing but it wasn't running on that account. Is that indicative of someone else logging on my account?

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

21 June 2011 - 11:27 AM

which shops do you go?

I just used default settings

Anyways, today 2 of my 99k items poofed.. I'm using like 6 other programs on the neocodex manager
is it possible one of them are stealing my password or something? Anyone have similar experience? One was in my shop so theres no way the pant devil took it, idk. Really odd.