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Member Since 12 Jul 2011
Offline Aug 09 2012 12:26 PM

Topics I've Started

Hey, I'm new here!

12 July 2011 - 03:59 PM

Hey, I'm Sasha, and I'm new here! I only joined 30 (?) minutes ago, and I've already changed my display name. Indecision abounds.

Anyway. I've lurked Neocodex quite a bit, and I've happened upon some threads through Google searches, and figured I'd join and see what's up with this site.

Then I went back to lurking, mentally slapped myself, and sent myself to this very forum to introduce myself to you all.

I like video games (PC, PS3, DS), doodling, occasionally writing, and, of course, Neopets.

I think that's about it....

Hello, everyone!