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Member Since 20 Jul 2011
Offline Jun 29 2012 09:04 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

07 October 2011 - 01:15 PM

No comprende.

No sorry, but you write in englis and i used traslator (a little ingenuity) and I understand

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

07 October 2011 - 01:03 PM

i have downland this... but in my windows ab... ( OMG i feel Tarzan) said "Image file is not type 15"

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

07 October 2011 - 12:59 PM

You're doing it wrong.


What do?..

In Topic: Abrosia (Main Shop Autobuyer / Igloo Autobuyer)

07 October 2011 - 12:57 PM


Excume.. help me please??

(I dont speak english i used traslator)

In the post for dowlands said me this problem

[#10870] We could not find the file specified


My ab not working