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Member Since 14 Aug 2011
Offline Sep 10 2011 08:41 AM

Topics I've Started

Faerie Bubbles Score Review

21 August 2011 - 12:38 PM

I used jcrboy's avatar sending list (updated approx. 1 1/2 years ago or something?) and got the avatar for Faerie Bubbles @ a score of 2,068, but I'd never played the game before and I got reviewed. Is there a high chance of me getting iced, even though it waited about 10 minutes to send, it's not on the high scores and it's not an impossible score?

ed!t : fixed typo

o__o Neopets.com/ won't load

21 August 2011 - 07:30 AM

When I try to access Neopets, it loads for 30 seconds or so then times out, I tried using NeoCodex Program Manager and whenever I load an auto-player the program crashes (since it needs to login, right?) I tried using many proxies and those give a "Can't connect to host" error, the site has only loaded for me once on Chrome this morning and then it timed out as well. Is this a problem with my computer or my ISP or something?