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Member Since 28 Aug 2011
Offline Aug 07 2012 09:53 PM

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In Topic: So I am currently hoarding Ghost PBs

06 October 2011 - 11:25 AM

Ghost isn't really a popular color anyway.
But for experimental purposes, good luck! I personally would have chosen an item a bit higher in demand and not given out as often.

well keep in mind it has to be something I can HOARD
ghost PBs are worth about 100K a pop. unless you're pretty rich you can't really get much higher than that for hoarding purposes. remember I have to get enough of them that they become scarcer on the market as a whole to raise the price, just a few of them won't work

thats why I chose the GPB. not too cheap, not too expensive. it's also a consumable, you use it and it vanishes. this is in contrast to things like BD weapons and armor where the same set can be used and change hands countless times

In Topic: So I am currently hoarding Ghost PBs

06 October 2011 - 11:01 AM

KQ gives out Ghost PBs, so I'm not sure how much luck you're going to have here ../../public/style_emoticons/default/1we8.gif And ghost pets just don't seem to be something most people demand. I hope you're not stuck with a bunch of PBs you're just going to have a Hell of a time reselling ../../public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif


and if they where that easy to get/not very wanted, why are they worth about 100,000?

I can find christmas PBs for about 40K, biscuit for 70, cloud for 70, glass for 80, glowing for 50, speckled for 45, etc.

clearly the ghost PB is either 1: in higher demand or 2: harder to get than alot of other PBs.

like I said, it's unique because it's a middle ground. it's expensive enough that most people wouldn't try to hoard it, but cheap enough to hoarde it without needing to be mega rich

and to answer some other comments: keep in mind like I said in my first post, I'm not really doing this to make money, I'm making money just fine. this is more just an experiment to see if it can be done. that and I happen to really like ghost PBS