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Member Since 03 Nov 2011
Offline Private

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In Topic: Hi :Q

03 November 2011 - 07:50 PM

I'm relatively good at piano, and also at a Chinese instrument called the pipa. c:

Is Pipa fun? I have couple friends learn Chinese instrument but non of them know how to play Pipa O_o

In Topic: Hi :Q

03 November 2011 - 06:17 PM

I can play the violin and flute pretty decently aha cX ~~

OMG, I want to learn Violin, also Piano!
I don't know any instrument :(

In Topic: The Asians of Codex

03 November 2011 - 05:20 PM

Asian living far away from Canada:mellow:

In Topic: Hi :Q

03 November 2011 - 05:16 PM

I'm sure you don't speak that badly ^__^ ~~ &You still know (at least) two languages (: !
It's hard for Chinese speakers to learn English anyways because in English there are so many sounds that we don't use o:

I don't have many chance speaking English here :(

French sucks.. Spanish is more useful :p
Most English people need English lessons lol.
Welcome anyway.

My teacher told me to learn Spanish too :o
Is that real, I don't understand why they have to learn English, for further study or what?
Thanks :)

Spanish is the lowest tier. Try some God tier languages like Icelandic. I know Japanese and pretty good french.

OMG I wish I know Japanese and French well too.
I'm going to take the N5 Japanese test and its the lowest level -_-

Ohh i'd love to know Japanese actually.

Japanese is fun.
And it's easy for people who know English cause of Katakana!

Ooh I used to take French in like.. Middle School cX...... &Now I take Japanese :3~~

Wonderful we both know the same languages XD

Welcome to Neocodex Reine, looks like you've met a few users already. Call me Grad. ^_^
Rainie has already linked you to the FAQ and the Forum Rules, but you may want to read the Newbies Guide too; to get a bit of information about the site.
On the conversation of languages; I speak English and I'm learning French in school. I'm taking Spanish too, but it goes in one ear and out the other. :p Your English looks good though, don't worry about it! Oh, and if you have questions, just post them here or send me a PM. public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif

Thank you very much!
I loved to play games and visit forum which used English to improve myself :o
I'm happy that I can "act" like my English "looks good" LOL

Welcome to Codex!

It's awesome you're from Hong Kong! Hope you enjoy the Codex community! :)

Thank you very much :)
Every of you are so nice here <3

Welcome to Neocodex! I speak Mandarin, but not Cantonese. :c
You can call me Musician. I hope you enjoy your stay here ~ :)

So we have 3 people know Chinese here :p
Do you know how to play instruments? XD

In Topic: Hi :Q

03 November 2011 - 03:40 AM

Aww! Welcome :)

I wish I spoke a second language as well as you ladies, and a lot of the people on this site.

Just go and learn it XD Mandarin is easier than cantaonese!
I've study Japanese for a year, wish I can study French in the future.

Oh! Nice C:
I can *understand* Cantonese, but I can't speak it cX

Oh like I can understand people speaking English (Most of the time :9) but I can't speak well :sorry: