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Member Since 29 Nov 2011
Offline Aug 03 2012 12:04 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [Neopets Programs] Neocodex Program Manager (33 programs in one)

03 December 2011 - 01:25 PM

Yeah, I've tried reinstalling it multiple times but nothing changes. (i did see the post about the np gen - it's a little embarrassing realizing how easily i could have avoided this haha)

And now it works again.

In Topic: [Neopets Programs] Neocodex Program Manager (33 programs in one)

02 December 2011 - 07:35 AM

I downloaded the program manager a couple of days ago, mostly for the NP generator, and it was working fine. When I opened the it this morning the NP generator had mysteriously disappeared. I probably should have started looking for an explanation first but it was early and I figured reinstalling the whole thing would be an obvious fix (though i understand now there was nothing to fix). Now I can't even open the program manager. I can download and install it just fine, but when i try to open it it always "unexpectedly quits" right after checking for updates. Help?

(i'm on a mac, OSX 10.6)