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Member Since 08 Dec 2011
Offline Jun 28 2012 09:59 AM

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In Topic: New here ^^

08 August 2011 - 08:42 PM

Hello and thanks for the warm welcomes c:
I sure hope you guys are right! :p

In Topic: Will there ever be a new pet?

08 August 2011 - 06:01 PM

Hahaha yup, gotta love viacom. A "lovely" company really. >.<;; I'm surprised they came up with customization the way it is now without thinking of how limited it is. You can't even revamp the ugly pets because of it, since they would be put into the same situation where they'd have to redraw all the outfits. That's going to be a problem when the art becomes outdated because all art gets "old" after a while. There's no room for improvement at all as far as pets go. They'll probably always be the way they are now. :c

In Topic: New here ^^

08 August 2011 - 04:28 PM

Thank you! c: I'll be sure to remember that. ^^

In Topic: Will there ever be a new pet?

08 August 2011 - 03:12 PM

Maybe, but chances are low, so I don't think so. :c If they did make a new pet they would have to redraw all the outfits and customization on that pet and it would take ages. TNT didn't really think customization through all that well. ^^;

In Topic: New here ^^

08 August 2011 - 03:10 PM

Thank you ^^