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Member Since 29 Jan 2012
Offline Mar 17 2019 05:27 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Further Downtime

02 March 2012 - 08:01 AM

Thank you for all the hard work. And good luck with the big move! Indeed, may the force be with you.

In Topic: Online Relationships

07 February 2012 - 11:06 AM

Sex is great, but I don't let my base drives control me, and I respect people with the willpower to do likewise. Especially when there was a whole lot of peer pressure to be a total slutbag and screw your life up because of it.

This sounds like you think there is no area between sex after marriage and being a total slutbag. And I also think putting a label "slutbag" on someones head just because he/she is fucking a lot of people is pretty stupid. I think these young kids nowadays get a very bad impression about sex through TV/Internet. They think it's something you should do to be cool, and something not that important, let alone connected with love. And yes, you can blame them for not being smart and have an opinion of their own, but that is very hard during adolescence. I respect you for making your own choice though.

Now back on the online relationship subject. I have had several relationships starting online. But I always met them a few weeks after that. I never had a relationship with someone who lived far away though, and I can't see that working out. A few people I know always get into those kind of relationships. They never last!

I've had very strong feelings for people over long distance. I am a believer that it can work. But what I am saying is that logically, there isn't anything different then a friendship. Put aside the emotions and there is nothing there but a friendship. That is all that I am saying.

I think this is silly. Ofcourse a long-distance online love is different from friendship. Two people can fall in love only through chatting, make a choise to be together, and not date other people.

But that is just being in love. I think that a good/balanced relationship needs more then online contact. Through online contact, you never know all the (often negative) sides of that person. You never know if he/she is showing their true nature. It's easy to show only good parts of yourself online. The physical part is also important in my opinion. I would feel horrible if the guy I love is going through a hard time and I can never be close to him physically, to give him a hug or kiss him. A balanced relationship needs intimacy, trust and space to grow together. To accept each others flaws and crazy impulses. I don't think you can reach that online.

In Topic: What's your favorite kind of party?

07 February 2012 - 10:28 AM

The best party has to be a psytrance/goa party. I'm a big fan of psychedelic festivals as well, going to BOOM festival this summer... Can't wait!

In Topic: Most Beautiful Item??

31 January 2012 - 09:57 AM

Oh my lord, this thread.

My friend sent me this item earlier today:

Posted Image
"Smattering of Mayo"...hah. She said "The Snow Faerie wanted it!"

I bet she did, that filthy tramp.

LOL this made me chuckle ^^

To me, the most beautiful item is Posted Image

And I love the Neopets flowers... Posted ImagePosted Image

And mushrooms ;) Posted Image

In Topic: Hello everyone :)

30 January 2012 - 03:41 AM

Thanks everybody for the warm welcome ^^

G. (lol)