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Member Since 15 Sep 2005
Offline Oct 28 2006 07:13 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Got around 20m to spend one 1-2 multi weapons.. any suggestions?

28 April 2006 - 09:19 PM

thank you so much for the advice on the battledome set, I really appreciate that you took the time and effort to write all that. :o

In Topic: new sigs...

28 April 2006 - 03:30 PM

First one is the best, just take off the outside glow on it and it will do good, not really liking the font. O_o

In Topic: Got around 20m to spend one 1-2 multi weapons.. any suggestions?

28 April 2006 - 02:41 PM

got a draik and I have "0" weapons, and I train def,str,hp... they all around around the same.

In Topic: Got around 20m to spend one 1-2 multi weapons.. any suggestions?

28 April 2006 - 02:22 PM

I need around 30.6 more for g-sword.. I dont think so. :p

and PCC, ehh.. I may get that and maybe save for sos o.o;

donate? NEVAA XD donate 50k?

I have my stats around 120 but not 125 boost yet. :p

In Topic: Happy Birthday dck!

28 April 2006 - 02:18 PM

Happy b-day, hope you have a great one... I wish it was my b-day again so I can upgrade my computer. =/