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Member Since 22 Feb 2012
Offline Oct 11 2014 11:14 AM

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In Topic: Duplication Glitch?

05 October 2014 - 07:10 AM

I played legit for years but I find this hilarious, such rage xD


I also was legit for years, but now I got about 20ish MSPP's spread out among several accounts and 1 SuAP. Gonna lie low for a while and hope everything stabilizes. It's a shame I couldn't get my hands on a TT though. I was too slow to board the dupe train. :(

In Topic: Duplication Glitch?

04 October 2014 - 05:12 PM

Does anyone know if all the exploits have been patched? I think the MSPP dupe is still working, but I haven't tried it since this morning.

In Topic: Duplication Glitch?

04 October 2014 - 10:23 AM

Ya, in the beginning I was a bit scared of getting iced so I distanced myself from the whole thing. But since TNT is doing a terrible job of cleaning this up I decided to jump in. What sucks is that I hopped on the train a bit too late and only have several MSPP's spread out among some side accounts. Not trying to be too greedy but I wish I had gotten some SuAP's or TT's when I had the chance.