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Member Since 14 Mar 2012
Offline Jul 05 2016 11:27 AM

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Question Regarding A'Buyer

30 April 2012 - 09:08 PM

hey i left the Autobuyer on for about roughly 2-2.5 hours and i made a list from the restock list for Plushie Palace ( all items hat have a profit <25k)

Left it to autobuy in only Plushie palace and it dint buy a singe item , nor an item was missed !

I dont understand why , if someone could help me out here , that would be awesome !

these are my settings;

Wait delay - 4s-6s

Ocr = 0.1 and 0.4

Pre haggle - 0.1 and 0.4

Thanks all for your help :)