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Member Since 05 Apr 2012
Offline Private

Topics I've Started

Do I need a proxy and shell to use the trading post?

21 April 2012 - 05:46 PM

Does it make a difference? Does TNT watch these forums? Can they find my IP somehow through these posts?
I just want to buy things.


14 April 2012 - 10:16 PM

Hi everyone. Happy to have found this forum. Played Neopets when I was ~11, forgot about it until two years ago.
I'm pretty much joining to make use of your trading post services. Hoping to paint my pets and fulfill my childhood dreams.

Neopets is a cute site and my first internet relic to have lasted a decade (my freewebs pages have disappeared). But I don't have time to play much.

Anyway, see you all around.