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Member Since 10 Apr 2012
Offline Jul 10 2012 06:46 PM

Topics I've Started

Magical Tomato and Pepper Omelette - Looking for Price Check + Seller

30 June 2012 - 12:11 PM

Hullo, I'm looking to obtain a Magical Tomato and Pepper Omelette for my fiancee's gallery, but have no idea how much to expect to pay. Two accounts intermittently post them on the TP, one is asking 11 million pure, while the other refuses to entertain anything less than 25 million. (As I recall, they still had them from TWO YEARS PRIOR, when I checked the TP). I know there are more of them out there, that the owners don't particularly CARE about the item, on account of it just being an omelette and that the item is extremely HTS... but what can you do? Hoarders will be hoarders will be hoarders.

I only stock legit, and I've not been back on Neo for that long, so my fortunes have been building relatively slowly (only got about 7m pure to my name right now). If anyone here would be willing to give me a price check or sell one to me, I'd appreciate it a ton. I've tried the regular neo boards, and gotten no results... I'm hoping you guys can help me with this.


30 June 2012 - 11:50 AM

I'm new around these parts, and was hoping I could get some help/tips restocking the old fashioned way, as well as some help price checking some ancient HTS items that are mostly out of the system by now. I'll probably need some help if I'm ever going to save up and get my hands on them in any reasonable timeframe, and look forward to getting along with you all =D.