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Member Since 29 Apr 2012
Offline Jul 14 2018 04:27 AM

Topics I've Started

Hacking accounts?

05 May 2012 - 01:20 AM

I KNOW that hacking accounts is VERRRRY wrong, and i don't know if Neocodex supports it or not, but i need to hack an account.
But IT IS MY account. It's 8 years old and i just started playing again, and i can't for the life of me remember the password to that OR my old email.
Do you guys have any tricks or software that could help me get into it?
Or to get into my email. It's a mail.com address.
Any help is appreciated! :)

Good proxies?

05 May 2012 - 12:34 AM

I'm new to autobuying and such.. I was pretty much playing it "legitimately" up until a few weeks ago.
I don't wanna get frozen though!
So i ask...
What is the best (free) proxy in your opinion, and when should i use it?

Also, what's the safest way to transfer NP to a safe account?