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Member Since 03 May 2012
Offline Jun 08 2012 12:01 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: I need some help with converting NP.

31 May 2012 - 04:22 PM

I got a PC on the pet before but I don't remember who did it, I'll pm you about it. :3 ty~

In Topic: I need some help with converting NP.

31 May 2012 - 02:41 AM

No I am selling a UC Plushie pet for other, but I don't know how much I should sell it for.. People are asking me for an AB and I am not sure if my AB is too high, I've seen the pet go for quite a bit but on here it seems it would go for much less.
Thanks for that Yung :)

In Topic: Anyone willing to lend me avatar items/pets? [8 mil collat]

15 May 2012 - 04:30 PM

If I had any of these I'd lend you


However I think most people sell BGC lends and MSPP lends. You might be able to get some free pet lends though :D Good luck!

Well, its the thought that counts.. amirite or amirite? :p
Yeah.. I figured. sux4me :C
I have about 10 mil collat mixed with items, so that will help out as far as other lending goes.. :p

I think this belongs in the trade section?

Anyways, I only have a FQD to lend if you need to avatar.

Yeah I suppose I'll need that. I just had a FQD and forgot to get the avatar on my side accounts before I sold it /facepalm

People do post lend requests in the buying section of the TP. Since a successful lend could be considered a trade for Codex trade rating purposes, I think it would be served well to transfer it to the TP. However they might get better visibility here, and like you said there is no real transaction taking place. So I'll leave that up to the OP - if you want it moved, just let me know :)

It is fine here I suppose :) It doesn't matter to me. If its allowed here then I'm fine with it staying. But I also think a lending section would be awesome.

I can lend you a few pets/petpets through pound, but you'll have to refund me if you lose them. PM me?

Alright, I'll PM you. :)

In Topic: Habitarium

11 May 2012 - 01:01 AM

I haven't upgraded or bought anything :/.. So I dunno why it would go missing.

Hmm, okay well I don't think I'll be discarding eggs anymore. Besides most of the soldier eggs. xP

In Topic: Habitarium

11 May 2012 - 12:14 AM

Okay :) Good.. also I just noticed my mud resource declined about 100.. why is that? e_e