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Member Since 22 May 2012
Offline Feb 15 2015 09:33 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Wheel of Extravagance

22 May 2012 - 03:52 AM

8| I really hate the wheel of extortion.
I've gotten "You won nothing" four days in a row.
Good luck getting me to spin it again!!!

(Though I've heard there is an abysmal chance of winning a r100... Glittery Scorchstone periodically calls out to me and I want to try again...)

In Topic: Hello!

22 May 2012 - 03:37 AM

Dorian reminds me of durian which makes me quite hungry..
But welcome ^^~

Oh goodness I actually really detest durians, ahaha.
I've been told I remind them of the book Picture of Dorian Gray the most.
But thank you all for the nice welcome! (: