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Member Since 31 May 2012
Offline Jul 03 2012 11:25 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: What movie release are you looking forward to the most?

06 June 2012 - 05:51 PM

Just saw the trailer for Les Mis! Can't wait!

And of course The Hobbit.

In Topic: Ibogaine

06 June 2012 - 05:22 PM

So with a drug like Ibogaine that not only removes almost all of the withdrawal symptoms but also changes the way you think so that you no longer crave drugs... Why is this not being talked about in the news? and why is it illegal in the US but not anywhere else. anyways here is a video so you guys can see more about ibogaine and how it works:::

Then feel free to let me know if you think its bullshit or not.

As far as I've been able to look into it, it seems like the drug may have some effect. In animal models the drug has been shown to decrease self administration of opiates. But in humans the trials that I could find were only tested on groups of like 30 people, and there really didn't appear to have been follow up several months down the line. So two big concerns I have is that I have no idea what the long-term efficacy of the treat is, and I'm not sure how safe the drug is - a woman in one of these trials is believed to have taken heroin within a day of treatment, and unfortunately died.

I think any sort of claim that it's a miracle drug is unsubstantiated and it's not supported by any evidence that I've seen.

If you want my opinion; avoid it.