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Member Since 12 Oct 2005
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In Topic: [Auto Players] Dice-a-Roo Auto Player

06 October 2013 - 12:05 AM



Dice-A-Roo is one of those games I wish that I had the patience to play until pet-boredom every day. However, with this program crashing on Macs, I rarely achieve that feat. Any chance a developer/programmer can take a look to see why this program (out of all the others, which work fine) seems to work for about a minute and then crash?

In Topic: Abrosia Log-out: Having a hard time understanding how this does not look sket...

24 September 2013 - 05:24 PM

Unfortunately (actually I think its better :p) I am using a mac, so I can't use that program, even though it looks pretty amazing. Anyways, I'm not too worried about this user agent thing. Thanks for the feedback.

In Topic: Abrosia Log-out: Having a hard time understanding how this does not look sket...

24 September 2013 - 04:49 PM

Yes, mintpro, please explain about the custom user agent option. I did a quick google search and learned that the term 'user agent' typically refers to your computer/browser/ip information. However, I have no clue what user agent Abrosia is sending out. How can I make sure that it is consistently the same?



After further research, I am now under the assumption that having a consistent user agent is not that big of a deal. But if you are logging in to one account with different proxies, and IP addresses, then that obviously looks shifty, and you deserve to be thrown out into the cold.

In Topic: Abrosia Log-out: Having a hard time understanding how this does not look sket...

24 September 2013 - 01:19 PM

Ok, I suppose it depends on how much 'heat' you feel you have attracted with your recent ABing actions. For example I recently forgot to turn Abrosia off and ended up ABing in a normal shop (not anything high profile at all) for 3 hours straight. NOTHING was purchased because my profit margins were too high, which makes me even more uneasy, because a human probably would not stay in the same shop, ABing for 3 hours straight and not buy ANYTHING. I know that the advanced settings allow me to avoid situations like this, but I like ABing in the background while I do school work, so I keep the settings very open, which leaves me susceptible to slip-ups like this. But it wont happen again. *end rant*


Anyone else have thoughts? This is something I have been thinking about ever since I started using Abrosia, not just recently since my 'slip-up'.

In Topic: Abrosia Log-out: Having a hard time understanding how this does not look sket...

24 September 2013 - 12:58 PM

Ok, thank you for the information.


But we still haven't answered the main question: After using Abrosia, after closing the program, do you wait a while before logging back in to your account? Or do you truly not find it 'red flag-ish' for your account to require a login for no reason?