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Member Since 12 Oct 2005
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Abrosia Log-out: Having a hard time understanding how this does not look sketchy.

24 September 2013 - 12:22 PM

I understand that the main objective of using Abrosia is to make it look as much as possible like a human is restocking. With this in mind, I only use it for short periods at a time, and tend to stop after buying a profitable item. That being said, normal people who stop restocking after buying a profitable item will then go and do what they wish with that item (rather than leaving it in their inventory). However, if an Abrosia user wishes to do this, they must close the program and then log back into NP. This has got to look bad on TNTs side. I mean this account was just restocking, it bought a good item, it stopped restocking, and now it needs to log back in? Why the hell would it need to log back in? 


If the answer is: "There is nothing that can be done about Abrosia logging you out, NP automatically logs one instance of an account out when it is logged in twice." Then what is your view on making this whole situation look a little more legit? Stop ABing for a few hours (essentially making it look like you just shut the screen, and didn't want to deal with the items you just purchased)? Force item management and then close Abrosia? I am obviously (as we all should be) trying to minimize the amount of red flags that my actions on NP raise.

