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Member Since 14 Oct 2012
Offline Dec 11 2013 10:39 AM

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TNT iced my main. =(

26 October 2012 - 06:21 PM

TNT iced my main account this afternoon for cheating... that had lab ray access, my baby chomby, my halloween kau, my ghost poogle and my baby my stealthy grarrl. :(

I've never used any programs on this account and have always played the game fairly on this account. I don't think I ever had any warnings on that account either. I always use proxys when logging into my shells and use a proxy when using Abrosia, which is the only program that I use maybe once a week.

I think I might know why it was iced, I was refreshing like crazy trying to practice my "legit" restocking skills... last night I got a prickly potion, and it had to be the slowest, worst haggle on the planet, but i got it. (I didn't ss it because i'm an idiot :( ) and then this morning i was refreshing a lot restocking the pharmacy, and for some reason i thought it was a good idea to buy magic cookies for 3232 np.... and they're only really worth like 3k. I brushed it off and put them in my shop.

I come back from class this afternoon and see this:

This account has been FROZEN for the following reason:

This account was using a 'cheat' or downloadable cheat program.


That account had NO game trophies.
I had like max 200k on that account.
My shells that use Abrosia... are still in tact.

I'm completely at a loss as to how they came to that conclusion. Do you think their servers screwed up and thought I was using an autobuyer because I was refreshing so fast? I didn't refresh all my tabs at the same time...

I'm also really bad at restocking, which is why i never use abrosia on my main... Its just not fair that pro restockers on the Battledome chat can make 5 mil in one week, and when i try to do what they do I get in trouble...

or could i have been hacked? I have pins for literally everything. :/

I submitted a ticket, but knowing TNT I won't get a response for a long time--- so i've said a few words for my pets and hope they're in a better place now... :bye2:

Sorry for the wall of text, what do you guys think the odds are of me ever getting this account back?

Hi there!

14 October 2012 - 10:26 AM

Hello! =)
I'm Becca, and I'm new!
I'm 20 years old, and I started playing neopets when I was 10-- quit for a long time to find that my old account had been deleted. =(
I started up again about 3 years ago, and have been on and off.
I used to be good at RSing, but now I'm lazy...
and a random fact:
My favorite pets are grarrls. <3