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Member Since 08 Dec 2012
Offline Jan 04 2018 10:21 AM

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Abrosia Error

23 December 2012 - 08:33 PM

Hello! Abrosia crashed, and spat out this:
raceback (most recent call last):
File "/cdx/svn/checkout/core/trunk/Program Manager/ProgramManager.py", line 1211, in run_with_except_hook
File "Programs/1001/Abrosia.py.nc", line 717, in run
File "Programs/1001/Abrosia.py.nc", line 967, in processNextTaskItem
File "Programs/1001/Abrosia.py.nc", line 2325, in visitShopMain
AttributeError: Abrosia got logged out and login failed, so program was forcibly aborted.

I don't know why this happened, since I was away from the comp. Cheers!
