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Member Since 14 Dec 2012
Offline Dec 19 2012 06:58 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: What grinds your neogears?

16 December 2012 - 05:40 PM

I always want to swear at people. Especially uppity resellers. And KQ quitters. And I wish I could send a stab you in the neck email.

In Topic: Official Topic! Come here if you recently were frozen!

15 December 2012 - 11:14 PM

Frozen for sharing my account. Which I don't.

In Topic: What grinds your neogears?

14 December 2012 - 07:01 PM

So it's because of this thread I joined this site ^-^.

So the other night I rs'ed an r99 spooky food legitimately. Completely random luck of a walk in restock.
So I can't find a price. Anywhere. SO I start mailing collectors, asking their opinions on it, what they paid, what they themselves would pay, and I get a crazy range of prices.
I settle on one I think is pretty good.
But did you guys know that there is this reseller guide out there that is apparently the bible? And even if I am the only one with one for sale, I absolutely can not sell for mare than it's worth. Which apparently 1.5 mil. I was asking 3. Not 20, not 100. 3. Because of the users I mailed. And I have had this stupid price guide thrown in my face. Many times. And one guy laughed at me saying "he loved it when people used offsite guides to price their stuff". I told him I nm'd collector's, and he accused me of lying.
This shit. This holy than thou seller attitude. I One guy offer me 800k, I said no, he said, "I don't blame you, I would want more if it were mine."
Why the fuck wouldn't I? Why bother even asking that???? Also, I do sell. I don't often resell, but I sell very low, because it just feels good to be nice. And then Douchepants McLaughatme called me a liar and now I hate egotistic resellers.