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Member Since 15 Dec 2012
Offline Jan 18 2014 10:39 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Updating Item Database for members under 500 posts

23 January 2013 - 07:59 AM

Many MP have idiodic prices. Those I put it's TP price you can update without fear. The others have the price a sane person would pay for them, their prices should at least be changed to something more reasonable so people will not lose money buying that crap ><

Fire Poogle Morphing Potion - 350k (TP price)
Green Poogle Morphing Potion - 99k-120k (how much its worth)
Checkered Poogle Morphing Potion - 120k (how much its worth)
Glowing Poogle Morphing Potion - 50k-99k (how much its worth)
Cloud Poogle Morphing Potion - 110K (TP price)
Yellow Poogle Morphing Potion - 99k-120k (how much its worth)
Rainbow Poogle Morphing Potion - 400k (how much its worth)
Blue Poogle Morphing Potion - 99k-120k (how much its worth)
Baby Poogle Morphing Potion - 500k (TP price)
Pirate Poogle Morphing Potion - 475k (TP price)

In Topic: Sexual items

16 January 2013 - 04:42 AM

These Usukis rejects look like dirty hoes to me...


And this:



In Topic: Sexual items

07 January 2013 - 04:37 AM


Posted Image

Altador Cup Fanatic Bobblehead
Erm... who is this guy?