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Member Since 17 Dec 2012
Offline Dec 29 2018 05:19 PM

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Looking for some decent lists

19 December 2012 - 04:38 PM

I'm looking for some decent lists to use with abrosia. I don't have advanced membership so i'm looking for items with 2k-99k ish profits, since i probably wont get many ubs.

I'm using the ones from here right now : http://www.neocodex....ted-aug-3-2011/

only thing with those is that it's outdated and it keeps buying stuff and it being worth low or nothing, for example bought soemthing for 5500 earlier and was worth 1k, and bought 2 books for 900 and they were worth 1 lol

tl;dr: looking for lists that have profits from 2k-99k ish ;)

consistent error that I'm receiving over and over

19 December 2012 - 06:18 AM

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/cdx/svn/checkout/core/trunk/Program Manager/ProgramManager.py", line 1211, in run_with_except_hook
File "Programs/1001/Abrosia.py.nc", line 717, in run
File "Programs/1001/Abrosia.py.nc", line 967, in processNextTaskItem
File "Programs/1001/Abrosia.py.nc", line 2325, in visitShopMain
AttributeError: Abrosia got logged out and login failed, so program was forcibly aborted.

^ That's the error.
I've been trying to use Abrosia for the past 2 days, but it hasn't bought anything yet, i'm wondering if it has to do with this error. I'll be running it for about 30 minutes, and this error will pop up, so i'll have to exit and reopen, then same thing in about 30 mins.

I've also tried to AB in a bunch of different shops, just seeing if it was the shops I was in, but i've tried a bunch (1, 7, 14, 98, few more random ones) and think it's either bad luck or this error.
I got the lists from http://www.neocodex....-lists-abrosia/

Thanks for any help